Original Oil Painting - Outback Landscape Study, A5
Roughly A5, though please confirm if exact canvas size is important to you. Oil and acrylic on linen canvas.
Unstretched canvas, mounted on card and ready for you to frame.
First time buying a “study”? A “study” is like an artist’s practice run before a final painting, or a draft version of a painting. They can often be smaller and less detailed than the final piece, and some artists make multiple studies to test different colours, compositions, and other techniques before committing to a larger, final piece. They’re an afforable way to get your hands on original art, and personally, I like them as they show the artist’s inner process.
Roughly A5, though please confirm if exact canvas size is important to you. Oil and acrylic on linen canvas.
Unstretched canvas, mounted on card and ready for you to frame.
First time buying a “study”? A “study” is like an artist’s practice run before a final painting, or a draft version of a painting. They can often be smaller and less detailed than the final piece, and some artists make multiple studies to test different colours, compositions, and other techniques before committing to a larger, final piece. They’re an afforable way to get your hands on original art, and personally, I like them as they show the artist’s inner process.
Roughly A5, though please confirm if exact canvas size is important to you. Oil and acrylic on linen canvas.
Unstretched canvas, mounted on card and ready for you to frame.
First time buying a “study”? A “study” is like an artist’s practice run before a final painting, or a draft version of a painting. They can often be smaller and less detailed than the final piece, and some artists make multiple studies to test different colours, compositions, and other techniques before committing to a larger, final piece. They’re an afforable way to get your hands on original art, and personally, I like them as they show the artist’s inner process.